KittieSparkle on Zills:
The use of cymbals actually affixed to the thumbs and middle fingers of dancers' hands was recorded as early as 500 A.D. Today, Finger Cymbals (Arabic: "Sagat" or "Sunouj;" Turkish: "Zills"; Persian: "Zang") are popularly played by dancers on both the cabaret and the concert stage. The intricate musical patterns they create and their sparkling sound quality make the cymbals indispensable to Middle Eastern music.
Playing Zills
When you play zills you should hear sustain in the regular strike (a Ring). The middle finger zill edge comes down in to the cup of the thumb zill. This is similar to a snapping motion. The middle finger zill drives most of the movement, but the thumb can help out. Try to RELAX your hands even though you are playing zills. Try to zill with your palms facing down and never ‘at’ an audience like a hungry sock puppet.
Sound Variations:
Clicks – zills are cupped in the hands and the middle finger zill is making a letter upside down T with the thumb zill. The thumb zill is pulled into the meat of the thumb base to muffle the sound.
Clacks – Zills are muffled by placing all fingers on the middle finger zill and striking the zill to perfectly line up with the thumb zill. This looks like a talking sock puppet motion.
Dings – the edges of both zills meet lightly to make a L shape and a light ringing sound.
What is Beledi?
"Baladii", which is a more folksy version of the basic Middle Eastern "maqsuum". The rhythm is generally known as "baladii" (beledi, baladi, balady) among the American belly dance community. The word "baladii" means "of the country" or "old fashion" and, I've heard, implies (in Egypt) a bit of a "hick-ness" or folk-ness. This rhythm is very typical (to the point of overuse) for modern belly dance.
baladii 4/4
D-D-tkT-D-tkT-tk| filled
Text Key:
D Dum (right hand clear low tone)
T Tek (right hand high crisp tone)
K Ka (left hand, sounds like Tek)
- space after note (sustain)
Various Beledi Variations:
1 + 2e+ 3 +a4
D D tkt D tkT
1 + 2e+ 3 +a4 +a
D D tkt D tkT tk
1e+ 2e+a 3 +a4e+a
DkD tktk D tkTktk
1+ 2e+ 3 4
DD tkt T T
1 + 2e+ 3+ 4+
DD tkt Dt Dt
Singles :
+a1 +a2 +a3 +a4 +a
Triplet Variations:
+a1 +a2 +a3 4
+a1 +a2 +a3e+a4
+a1 +a2 +a3 + 4