

For upcoming shows and class schedules see our calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions About Belly Dance Classes...

Q: What do I wear?

A: Wear comfortable knit clothing, bare feet or flat leather soled dance shoes and a good foundation garment or jog bra. You may choose to wear an opaque exercise bra alone or with a snug t-shirt. Form fitting clothing will make it easier for me to teach you.

Q: Am I too old, over weight or out of shape to start?

A: No, probably not. I work with all ages, shapes and levels of fitness. Our performing group includes women who are grandmothers to teenagers. My goal is to take you from where you are to where you want to be, in a fun, safe way. Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.

Q: Do I have to join at the beginning of a semester?

A: No, join any time. Fees will be pro-rated for those joining in the middle of the month.

Q: Will belly dance make me gain weight, be more fertile, become a pagan; or just be a sexier, more fit, and more confident version of me?

A: Just a sexier, more fit and more confident version of you! The first three are real questions I've been asked, but are absolutely false.

Q: Do you teach men?

A: Yes, I am happy to work with male students who are serious about learning the dance. Men looking for a date or a free show will be tossed out at sword point with no refund.

Join us today and get started with an exciting new journey in dance.

Belly Dance Tulsa ~ The Queens of Chaos
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or Call/Text: 918-497-8755